it all started on 31 December last year, I was traveling with my family and some friends. as usual I was left for a while to have fun and watch the cute boys, my two best friends are gay too and knew the place better than anyone,I spent the whole day with them, but is small village, know all there is, and at midnight Accompanied me to my house, the road was just too dark.when I get home, I find it very strange that the doors were locked and there was light, normally there are always people...I said goodbye to my friends and I walked into my house, talk loudly and nobody answered, continue walking to my room which was strangely close, so I opened the door shut, do not listen to anyone, until the moment that lit the light..... is completely paralyzed, stunned, speechless! my uncle was fucking my ex boyfriend! DD: I just could not believe it! quickly dressed and left without saying a word, I was totally confused and not know what to think, but somehow I liked it and nmake me hot! and as if this were not enough, another room out 4 guys over! them all I knew and I always thought they were heterosexual, a great orgy in my own bed! Now I think I see my ex boyfriend who is a prostitute, because my uncle is too old for he. to fantasize sometimes seeing as penetrate and moan, damaging her little ass
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