Eternal quarantine.After a time without being able to connect with you, a little indisposed, I feel low of spirits and I find this loneliness that simply plays with our minds !! ... with the desire to return to be with you and show you that more than one family we are the reincarnation of a mix of feelings.In this Pandemic I learned not only to seek to be a person every day, but also that love and everything that it entails involves more than a detail or a beautiful phrase, even a poem, Let me know your language of love and know mine!, More than To know how we like to be loved we must learn to do it, Come and know a little more about this side, my hidden side!I miss you! &'¥ XOXO
This the perfect moment to keep online! , But I want say THANKS so much , couse more than a amazing shows from or performers , we can give u that love that u only can Find here.Come meet us, and Make ur dreams reality be loved!
Yesterday, I should go near to mi City ! I must take transport public... First of all that a nasty experience everyone looks like ants trying to take a bus without respect. Anyways someone was so close to me that I almost can hear his breath xD , It was so Fucking hot , hen I asked If I may get the phone number , then agrees and we now are talking , we are planing meet more ... But the funny part I feel a hand in my penis and almost 1 min i was wondering is talk or better kepp silent ! xD Some experience like that? meet me online and talk with me about this!
Today was a crazy day, because i came to the studio and start to work, but suddenly my mom call me and told me that our move truck was waiting outside our new house, so i have to close my conection and run to get there. Today i didn´t came to work because we have many things to fix to feel comftable in our new house. I hope u understand and wait for me, i´ll be here soon!! this is nutz!! ;)
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